

            Lot of people says that guns should be more accessible in Poland. I won’t agree with this statement.             First of all look at other people living in this country. For example, some supporters of several soccer clubs. It’s easy to notice their really aggressive behavior. Now think about how dangerous they will be with any kind of gun. You won’t run away.             Another matter is if you really will be safer? Not only you will be able to own a gun. Chances won’t be equal. If somebody will want to attack you, your odds to survive won’t be really high. Now you can try to run away, but if assaulter will have a gun, he’ll hunt you even from a distance.              I won’t mention about madmen, gangs, terrorists and all dangerous organizations which will be able to buy guns legally. Greater access to guns is definitely not a good idea.

Summary #1

Film titled “ Jupiter 101 | National Geographic” is really interesting document about fifth planet of our solar system. In fact it was the first planet formed near Sun. As everybody knows it is the biggest planet next to us. But not everyone realize, that Jupiter is kind of our shield. Its huge gravity field, attracts asteroids which could be a possible danger for our planet. Another fact about this gas giant is he was kind of thief. When planets in solar system were creating themselves, he was capturing huge part of matter because of its gravitation. What a crime… contain -> This glass contains water underneath -> There is water underneath this ice surface -> Finally all the miners got to the surface 

It's time to leave your basement

            Guess what is the most popular topic in students conversations at breaks in school. It is not sport or science but definitely video games.             When we look at gamers society through last few years we can see how fast it is developing. Number of players is constantly increasing. Games are becoming more and more technologically advanced. There are even channels in TV created directly for the players.             Gaming market is becoming really significant. What more – better games needs better computers or gaming consoles. In effect much more people are using more expensive devices, which can stand the newest productions.             But why are they so popular? It’s becoming increasingly rare to see teenagers playing outdoors. Games with multiplayer option are giving opportunity to play with each other without leaving your room. Also you can do activities which are impossible in real life. And maybe that is the phenomenon of games? But is it worth your pricel

Why extreme right wing politicians like Bolsonaro are becoming more and more popular?

To answer this question we have to look at several incidents that are taking place past few years. Immigrants become a problem. People realized that unemployment is rising because of them and we are still scared after few waves of terror in USA and Europe, which are also associated with illegal immigrants. LGBT is growing in strength. Sexual orientation changing is becoming more popular. Many people can’t stand it any more. Also abortion is still huge problem in many countries but feminists will never give up. Recently they are gaining more and more support what speeds them up. Church is losing its position. People are no longer afraid of criticizing it. Priests are credited with lot of scandals and number of people sneering at faith is growing. All these incidents are waking up extreme right wing. Best examples are Oslo in 2011 (Anders Behring Breivik), Donald Trump in USA or the fresh one – Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil

I don't like puddles

            It was such a bad weather today. When I left school there was no chance to avoid getting wet. Finally I left the bus. I had an umbrella so rain wasn’t so annoying.  I have to make few steps to reach my home from bus stop. Just one thousand meters of joyful trip through the wind. During the walk I have met few types of drivers. Mostly they were trying to avoid splashing water on me. But few of them didn’t. They actually left me with wet socks, shoes and legs below knees.             Fantastic example of human insensitivity. Why people don’t care about each other? Or why are there persons who are not trying to even avoid harming somebody else? Luckily it’s not each person you meet on the street. But still I can’t understand what was intention in splashing water on pedestrians. I am not expecting that everybody will help and love each other but sometimes it is just too much.

Little change and big difference

People love to complain. Can you remind yourself one day without hearing a single word of lamenting how bad life is? It’s another bus stop reflection. When sitting on the bench I’ve heard few conversations of people talking about their problems. What a variety. After comparing them, quick conclusion is coming. They are really different. And a second one – people love to glorify or make problems that are not supposed to exist or be a worry. We will always be worried about something. There is always a problem. And very often we don’t even try to solve them. And even if we done it we will find another one – guaranteed.  And what when you are not trying to solve it? If it’s nothing serious you will forget about it and find something new to complain. The point is to change the word when describing our “problems”. Just try to say “challenge”.

It's too much of progress

Everybody remember “Wall-e” movie. I was just walking along the road when I saw something special. If you watched “Wall-e” you can’t forget about these people on flying chairs with coke and all these survival kits. So the point is I saw something really similar. The germ of our future and fruit of our laziness. Its name is hoverboard.  Hoverboard is a kind of electric skateboard. Only thing you have to do is move your body a little to drive this machine. If we take a look at our world, technological progress is happening. Most of our inventions are coming up because of our laziness. So are we going to utopia where people don’t need to work and do nothing? Maybe “Wall-e” is presenting possible scenario of our future? Maybe humanity will extinct not because of wars or starvation but because of laziness and too big technological progress?