Little change and big difference

People love to complain. Can you remind yourself one day without hearing a single word of lamenting how bad life is? It’s another bus stop reflection. When sitting on the bench I’ve heard few conversations of people talking about their problems. What a variety. After comparing them, quick conclusion is coming. They are really different. And a second one – people love to glorify or make problems that are not supposed to exist or be a worry.
We will always be worried about something. There is always a problem. And very often we don’t even try to solve them. And even if we done it we will find another one – guaranteed. 
And what when you are not trying to solve it? If it’s nothing serious you will forget about it and find something new to complain. The point is to change the word when describing our “problems”. Just try to say “challenge”.


  1. People simply LOVE complaining. They enter into conversations where they compete with others with the problems they have. Monty Python did a hilarious sketch about this - Four Yorkshiremen. Watch it.


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