Why extreme right wing politicians like Bolsonaro are becoming more and more popular?

To answer this question we have to look at several incidents that are taking place past few years.
Immigrants become a problem. People realized that unemployment is rising because of them and we are still scared after few waves of terror in USA and Europe, which are also associated with illegal immigrants.
LGBT is growing in strength. Sexual orientation changing is becoming more popular. Many people can’t stand it any more.
Also abortion is still huge problem in many countries but feminists will never give up. Recently they are gaining more and more support what speeds them up.
Church is losing its position. People are no longer afraid of criticizing it. Priests are credited with lot of scandals and number of people sneering at faith is growing.
All these incidents are waking up extreme right wing. Best examples are Oslo in 2011 (Anders Behring Breivik), Donald Trump in USA or the fresh one – Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil


  1. 1. The only significant group of immigrants in Poland are Ukrainians. Are you talking about them?
    2. Unemployment in Poland has never been so low. So whose jobs exactly are these immigrant going to steal?
    3. Why should my sexual preferences be anyone's business?
    4. You can't compare Breivik, a lonely fanatic with a grudge, to Trump, who was democratically elected president of the most powerful country in the world.


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