I don't like puddles

            It was such a bad weather today. When I left school there was no chance to avoid getting wet. Finally I left the bus. I had an umbrella so rain wasn’t so annoying.  I have to make few steps to reach my home from bus stop. Just one thousand meters of joyful trip through the wind. During the walk I have met few types of drivers. Mostly they were trying to avoid splashing water on me. But few of them didn’t. They actually left me with wet socks, shoes and legs below knees.
            Fantastic example of human insensitivity. Why people don’t care about each other? Or why are there persons who are not trying to even avoid harming somebody else? Luckily it’s not each person you meet on the street. But still I can’t understand what was intention in splashing water on pedestrians. I am not expecting that everybody will help and love each other but sometimes it is just too much.


  1. Very true. If only you were so sensitive to others and empathetic in your own actions ...


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