It's too much of progress

Everybody remember “Wall-e” movie. I was just walking along the road when I saw something special. If you watched “Wall-e” you can’t forget about these people on flying chairs with coke and all these survival kits. So the point is I saw something really similar. The germ of our future and fruit of our laziness. Its name is hoverboard. 
Hoverboard is a kind of electric skateboard. Only thing you have to do is move your body a little to drive this machine.
If we take a look at our world, technological progress is happening. Most of our inventions are coming up because of our laziness. So are we going to utopia where people don’t need to work and do nothing? Maybe “Wall-e” is presenting possible scenario of our future? Maybe humanity will extinct not because of wars or starvation but because of laziness and too big technological progress?


  1. So in a couple hundred of thousands of years we will evolve into just heads and shrunk upper bodies with no legs because we tend to use them less and less. Yuck! We will multiply through laboratory procedures and produce new humans according to what features are the most desirable - presumably a powerful brain will be a priority.


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