Meaning of education

Beginning of another school day. Crowd of students is reaching the locker room. Looking like zombies walking from bus stop to school.
What is the meaning of education? Why it is a duty? Students are rated like products. They don’t want to learn but they have to.
But why they don’t want to? Is it fault in a system? They know this is their future.
One day I’ve heard “I don’t have to learn. All that stuff is unnecessary in adult life”. 
Clue is that subjects are not interesting enough for a lot of students. If we look at the best universities we can see huge difference in teaching methods. They offer huge choice of subjects, which you can study. You don’t have to learn things you don’t want to. It means that you are creating your own schedule of lessons you want to attend.
And who will reject such brilliant way of education in highschool?


  1. I don't quite understand what you're trying to say. That young people should only learn if and what they want?
    Not so long ago education was a luxury for the richest. Thanks to free access to education a lot of people were able to improve their lives and societies became more fair and egalitarian. Education is the key to the well-being of each society. Is it wise to say you don't need it?

    1. Yes you are right that education is important and I’m not trying to deny it. My main conclusion was about what is the point of studying subjects which are not quite interesting for you. Best results are able to achieve only if you are really interested in your job/school subjects. So isn’t better if students will fully sacrifice to their passions instead of developing skills which are not so interesting for them?


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