Hotel reflections

            When I made my first steps in hotel, the only thing I’ve heard were these machines. The only thing I’ve saw was crowd of people on the red carpet. Each of them came here for the same reason. They want to win. It’s not hard to come up with the idea that they lost almost everything they bet.
            I’ve checked. Two years ago the record was beaten. Over 42 million of tourists visited Las Vegas and they left there about 35,5 billion dollars. It’s almost 3 times more than Polish military budget. 
These numbers are huge. It’s easy to conclude that people love gambling. But it’s also sure that winning in casino is almost impossible so why is it so exciting? Do people love losing they money? Or maybe will of wealth is so strong? I don’t know and I wish I’ll never find out.


  1. In some countries, gambling is forbidden, exactly for the reasons you mentioned - this addiction costs the society too much. Is this something you would like to happen in Poland?


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