
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2019


            Lot of people says that guns should be more accessible in Poland. I won’t agree with this statement.             First of all look at other people living in this country. For example, some supporters of several soccer clubs. It’s easy to notice their really aggressive behavior. Now think about how dangerous they will be with any kind of gun. You won’t run away.             Another matter is if you really will be safer? Not only you will be able to own a gun. Chances won’t be equal. If somebody will want to attack you, your odds to survive won’t be really high. Now you can try to run away, but if assaulter will have a gun, he’ll hunt you even from a distance.              I won’t mention about madmen, gangs, terrorists and all dangerous organizations which will be able to buy guns legally. Greater access to guns is definitely not a good idea.

Summary #1

Film titled “ Jupiter 101 | National Geographic” is really interesting document about fifth planet of our solar system. In fact it was the first planet formed near Sun. As everybody knows it is the biggest planet next to us. But not everyone realize, that Jupiter is kind of our shield. Its huge gravity field, attracts asteroids which could be a possible danger for our planet. Another fact about this gas giant is he was kind of thief. When planets in solar system were creating themselves, he was capturing huge part of matter because of its gravitation. What a crime… contain -> This glass contains water underneath -> There is water underneath this ice surface -> Finally all the miners got to the surface