
Wyświetlanie postów z grudzień, 2018

It's time to leave your basement

            Guess what is the most popular topic in students conversations at breaks in school. It is not sport or science but definitely video games.             When we look at gamers society through last few years we can see how fast it is developing. Number of players is constantly increasing. Games are becoming more and more technologically advanced. There are even channels in TV created directly for the players.             Gaming market is becoming really significant. What more – better games needs better computers or gaming consoles. In effect much more people are using more expensive devices, which can stand the newest productions.             But why are they so popular? It’s becoming increasingly rare to see teenagers playing outdoors. Games with multiplayer option are giving opportunity to play with each other without leaving your room. Also you can do activities which are impossible in real life. And maybe that is the phenomenon of games? But is it worth your pricel