
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2018

Why do people believe in supernatural things like magic, astrology, ghosts if they have science?

People will always believe in supernatural things because human race will never be able to explain all phenomenons in the universe. We need to explain to ourselves in some way everything that is surrounding us. We want to understand everything but if we can’t we are taking it for a magic. Another cause why people will believe in magic is their curiosity of the future. It’s impossible with science to know what is coming. We can only predict from our data and experience what can happen in the future. And here are coming hundreds ways of predicting future with magic. How long as human race exist there will be magic in our world.

Who or what is to blame for obesity in today's world?

We can notice a lot of factors, which are responsible for obesity nowadays. Firstly we should pay attention for what we are eating. In our diets there are great amounts of unwanted sugar, which we are eating everyday. We can find it everywhere, especially in sweet drinks, white bread and fast foods. We should cut off from them. Second very important factor is low level of sport activity in our society. Both factors are coming from laziness of people living in XXI century. People don’t want to make their lives more challenging. So this is cause of obesity in our world – laziness.